I must be a proper photographer, look AT me with a camera, looking all intense.

Welcome to My Website is Probably a Decent Enough Title For This?

I set out with the aim of doing something with my photography some years ago now, and whilst I always believed in myself, I never quite expected anything to really happen in any significant way. I’ve always been comfortable being nobody, and I’ve never really sought out any sort of notoriety or attention. But, for some reason in the beginning months of 2024 people have started taking notice of what I do and I’m finding myself with more opportunities to take photos… which, I am eternally grateful for, even if I’m never quite sure that I’ve done enough to earn those opportunities.

Anyway, what I’m saying is, because I haven’t taken myself seriously, that I’ve definitely never taken a website seriously. I come from a background of street art and zine making, so digital distribution of my work is something I’ve never really been interested in. Of course, I’m realising now that perhaps I actually need a website, and perhaps I should actually put some work on here, you know, so YOU, yeah YOU reading this right now, can look at it.

So, there’s stuff on here, some projects, some personal stuff, some work stuff, a lot of Wrexham AFC stuff, and it’s only the tip of the iceberg for me. I’ve something like 230,000 photos I’ve taken over 20 years, and honestly sorting them in to a site is difficult, especially when it’s just me doing it. I have a minimum wage day job, a ton of anxiety, and the odd photography job to deal with, and finding time to work on a website is difficult. So, check back every now and then and you’ll find more stuff added, or you know, follow me on social media, because that’s a thing people do.

Or don’t. I’ll miss you, and always dream of you after you leave, I’ll cope if you don’t come back to me… but I’ll always spend those rainy days looking out of the window wistfully at an angry sea praying the ships bring you back to me my love.